セントラルパークはもともとニューウェストミンスター(**)防衛のための軍用地でした。1891年、その土地がB.C. Gazette(***)で公園として制定されました。1910年から1922年まで、公園はセントラルパーク州立公園委員会の管理下にありました。1922年、公園と運動場に土地を利用する目的で99年借地契約がバーナビー地区(****)自治体に与えられました。1959年、この契約は放棄されました。そして、バンクーバー市とバーナビー地区は契約の残りの部分を運用すべく新たな借地契約に共同調印し、費用を双方で折半してセントラルパークの維持と開発を行うことに合意したのです。
The management of this park has been under the control of a Central Park Committee comprised of members of Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation and Burnaby Parks and Recreation Commission from 1960 to 1977.
This plaque commemorates eighteen years of a unique relationship which, with the co-operative support of the two authorities and the members of the committee, has resulted in providing the citizens of both communities with many park and recreational facilities.
Central Park was originally a military reserve for the defence of New Westminster. In 1891, the land was established as a public park in the B.C. Gazette. From 1910 to 1922, the park was under the control of the Central Park Provincial Park Board. In 1922, the corporation of the District of Burnaby was granted a ninety-nine year lease of the land for the purposes of a public park and pleasure ground. In 1959, this lease was surrendered. A new lease was signed jointly by the city of Vancouver and the district of Burnaby to run for the unexpired portion of the original lease, and Vancouver and Burnaby entered into an agreement to maintain and develop Central Park with the costs to be shared equally.